Making of Magic

The accelerator is on!
This spilling over of mystic thought, connection and magic funnels through me, distills and concentrates into goodness.
The kind that permeates and sustains.
The type that goes deep to the root so high winds may blow, but nothing is blown down, blown over, blown up,  Rooted!
It is like this today.
Here I share………………

Go Fund Me!

Please Click here Gofundme  to support my offerings to the first Learning from the Bees conference in the Netherlands. So important to participate in this global apian (bee) consciousness.  There are 5 days left and we still have $1,745 to go!  Please consider supporting even if your pocket is empty, please send me your encouragement. Your words will fill my heart! We are all in this together and we need any support available, prayers, songs, good food!:) I will return with stories, with knowledge and I really look forward to sharing with you.

This is a sample video with an elemental chant. This is an offering as part of the Learning From the Bees Conference and will be part of the closing ceremony in the Netherlands.
I have also just received the list of International artists who are participating in the art exhibit at the conference. I have been asked to document this and will share this with you all when I have finished.:)

2. Amazing Community of Musicians and Dancers – This is an inspiration from Middle Eastern Music and Dance Camp, Mendocino CA USA . Especially from the words of Omar Faruk Tekbilek. It was his words that likened camp to an off shoot of ancient Alexandria. How all cultures would come together and meet to share and exchange and return home all the richer for it. Thank you all (more than I can count) for your beautiful offerings of amazing music, song, dance and friendship. I am ever so grateful for our time together.🙏♥️🙏

3. I will be offering Intuitive Drum Song on Thursday August 23rd.  Come  soak it up.  Let your internal static go and join in the goodness of community frequency, rhythms and connection.


I love you!
Lavender Grace Cinnamon * Sacred Art ~ Sacred Bees