Artists have always pollinated consciousness as they travel into the unknown, going to and past the edges, returning with a tale to tell, with the song to sing, the dance to dance, and the melody of these journeys to play, and so shall I, venture and return with the wealth of collaboration, the nourishment of human innovation and the inspiration of new thought for a brighter future full of beauty and life.
As an artist, I want to give you the context for the names I was born with, and the names I have earned through the journey of my life so far.
Lavender ~ Strong, Calm, Healing, Cleansing Flower
Grace ~ Elegance, Harmony and Beauty
Luthien ~ Daughter of Flowers
Tinuviel ~ Daughter of the Starry Twilight, “nightingale”.
Kent ~ Patrilineal Family Name (Born into Bohemian Family of Artisans)
Nii Beii
(Arapaho Naming Ceremony – New Years Medicine Circle for the New Millennium January 1st, 2000)
Cinnamon ~ One of the most delicious and healthiest spices on the planet (April 2009 ~ Married into the Surname)
ह्लादिनी शक्ति Hladini Sakti ~ One who Gives Joy to Everyone; Goddess Radha ~ Joy-rendering power. The ultimate source of all happiness for all the living beings ~ Sanskrit (March 2016 at Audarya Ashram: Initiation by Swami Tripurari)
الخزامي /Alkhazami / Hazama – Arabic for Lavender – Strong, Calm, Healing, Cleansing Flower (June 2019 – Middle East Music and Dance Camp: Beloved Arabic Family)
My art is found in the transference of nature song, ancestor song and experiential life on this Planet. How is it to be a human who walks this earth, committed to cause no harm, to walk in harmony will all beings, to sing for the health of future generations. What kind of ancestor will I be?
On August 24th, 2019 I will fly to Berlin, Germany to perform the closing ceremony at the International Learning From the Bees Conference. With sponsorship, I have been able to cover 1/3 of my costs. I need to share the story and source support for the remaining expenses. please consider becoming part of my
P.S. I thank you, and look forward to sharing this experience with you when I return.
With great gratitude and appreciation,
Lavender Grace