Things happened, a hard drive failure, a loss of spare moments, and
essential duties of full-time single mom, career and life work, happened.
There were no spare moments to spend on the machine of typing, no social
networking for digital life to show what was happening in this real
life. Real life trumped all!
Wait can I say that? I mean use that word as a descriptor of how something
went down- outside of the oval office?
Well I am, I’m using it to say that since the moment of declaration, the
moment I stated I needed a cosmic conspiracy to get to the Learning
From the Bees Conference, to this moment, now sitting on the plane, has been so rich.
The dimensional band width to tap into the binary web had no draw. A
channel of light continued to guide me forward, and a path of true
kindness motivates me still. A parting of the preverbal waters for passage
commenced. And here I sit between two beautiful strangers and a dog named
Luna, Destination Berlin.