Energy flows toward an opening,
but music goes everywhere.
We are a regenerative lineage for heart song medicine from Northern California
Rhythm ~ Frequency ~ Vibration
We offer training in rhythmic melody to access the intelligence of song medicine.
Community ~ Individuals ~ Song Gift

We sing for our ancestors, for our soul, for medicine and sound health

~Bees ~

Sustainable Ecology Consultant
What makes us feel drawn to music is that our whole being is music: our mind and body, the nature in which we live, the nature which has made us, all that is beneath and around us, it is all music.
Hazrat Inyat Khan (Sufi Master) (1882-1927)
~Solutions ~
Support Indigenous Wisdom
“Dear Lavender, What a joy to discover musicians who are so clearly in touch with what the bees know so instinctively–which is how to harmonize energetically, and with so much love. When I heard your songs last summer I felt that what I heard was not just musicians singing but musicians opening widely enough to become conduits, attuned to the most sacred rhythms and sounds of our universe, songs of love and of humble, but joyous, praise. Thank you for your music. I felt deeply moved and healed by it.”
Heather Swan – Lecturer, Author Where Honeybees Thrive Penn State University Press, 2018.
“Honey Hive is simply delicious – transporting the one and the many into realms of sweetness, inspiration and sound nurturance-!!!!”
Ron Nadeau – Founder of Spirit House Center For Attitudinal Healing: Spiritual Counselor, Healing facilitator & Founder of Shaman’s International, Mendocino Coast Healer’s Network…
I really enjoyed this class and highly recommend it! When I first attended, I was afraid to use my voice and was only interested in drumming. Thanks to Lavender’s peaceful energy and gentle encouragement I now know how to wield my voice in both song and speech! My throat chakra is blocked no more! I cherish my frame drum almost as much as I cherish my friendship with Lavender Grace Cinnamon. If you take the class, don’t be afraid to make some noise. Let your vulnerability transform into the realization that you have support in this lovely group. ❤️☺️❤️
Jamie Appleseed – Student of Intuitive Drum Song