Destination Berlin

Early morning airport

Things happened, a hard drive failure, a loss of spare moments, and
essential duties of full-time single mom, career and life work, happened.
There were no spare moments to spend on the machine of typing, no social
networking for digital life to show what was happening in this real
life. Real life trumped all!

Wait can I say that? I mean use that word as a descriptor of how something
went down- outside of the oval office?

Well I am, I’m using it to say that since the moment of declaration, the
moment I stated I needed a cosmic conspiracy to get to the Learning
From the Bees Conference, to this moment, now sitting on the plane, has been so rich.

The dimensional band width to tap into the binary web had no draw. A
channel of light continued to guide me forward, and a path of true
kindness motivates me still. A parting of the preverbal waters for passage
commenced. And here I sit between two beautiful strangers and a dog named
Luna, Destination Berlin.

Context ~ What’s in a Name

Artists have always pollinated consciousness as they travel into the unknown, going to and past the edges, returning with a tale to tell, with the song to sing, the dance to dance, and the melody of these journeys to play, and so shall I, venture and return with the wealth of collaboration, the nourishment of human innovation and the inspiration of new thought for a brighter future full of beauty and life.

As an artist, I want to give you the context for the names I was born with, and the names I have earned through the journey of my life so far.

My Mom Esmerelda and Me 1978

Lavender ~ Strong, Calm, Healing, Cleansing Flower
Grace ~ Elegance, Harmony and Beauty
Luthien ~ Daughter of Flowers
Tinuviel ~ Daughter of the Starry Twilight, “nightingale”.
Kent ~ Patrilineal Family Name (Born into Bohemian Family of Artisans)

Nii Beii Hisei ~ Singing Woman

(Arapaho Naming Ceremony – New Years Medicine Circle for the New Millennium January 1st, 2000)

~ One of the most delicious and healthiest spices on the planet (April 2009 ~ Married into the Surname)

ह्लादिनी शक्ति Hladini Sakti ~ One who Gives Joy to Everyone; Goddess Radha ~ Joy-rendering power. The ultimate source of all happiness for all the living beings ~ Sanskrit (March 2016 at Audarya Ashram: Initiation by Swami Tripurari)

الخزامي /Alkhazami / Hazama – Arabic for Lavender – Strong, Calm, Healing, Cleansing Flower (June 2019 – Middle East Music and Dance Camp: Beloved Arabic Family)

Lavender Grace 2019

My art is found in the transference of nature song, ancestor song and experiential life on this Planet. How is it to be a human who walks this earth, committed to cause no harm, to walk in harmony will all beings, to sing for the health of future generations. What kind of ancestor will I be?

On August 24th, 2019 I will fly to Berlin, Germany to perform the closing ceremony at the International Learning From the Bees Conference. With sponsorship, I have been able to cover 1/3 of my costs. I need to share the story and source support for the remaining expenses. please consider becoming part of my stroy in this way. Follow this link to do so.

P.S. I thank you, and look forward to sharing this experience with you when I return.
With great gratitude and appreciation,

Lavender Grace

Keep the Hive Alive ~ Part II

“If the Angel decides to come it will be because you have convinced her,
not by tears, but by your humble resolve to be always beginning; to be a

Rainer Maria Rilke, translated by Stephen Mitchell

One of the “Angels” of the Learning from the Bees Conference, was Garth John.  The talk he delivered, I felt, was one of the most succinct and poignant talks during our three days in Doorn, Netherlands.  Three days dedicated to learning from the bees and solutions from one another.

It was during this talk where all of the feelings, all of the nebulous ideas and concepts that floated in my heart came together. Garth John was able to distill all of this into a beautiful thread and explain to me the very reason why I was so taken by the bees, why I was so moved to fly across the world and to be surrounded by 300 others who, they themselves, also headed the call.

Here is the recording and you can judge for yourself. The full transcript is available at Natural Bee Keeping Trust.

~Another Lovely Connection~

“Where Honeybees Thrive” by Heather Swan

This book was released just before the Conference and author Heather Swan was another wonderful presenter who came with an open heart. Where the Honeybees Thrive is a luminous journey from the worlds of honey producers, urban farmers, and mead makers of the United States to those of beekeepers of Sichuan, China, and researchers in southern Africa, Where Honeybees Thrive traces the global web of efforts to secure a sustainable future for honeybees—and ourselves.

It was a great pleasure to receive this beautiful reflection of our participation from Heather Swan…

“Dear Lavender, What a joy to discover musicians who are so clearly in touch with what the bees know so instinctively–which is how to harmonize energetically and with so much love. When I heard your songs last summer I felt that what I heard was not just musicians singing but musicians opening widely enough to become conduits, attuned to the most sacred rhythms and sounds of our universe, songs of love and humble, but joyous, praise. Thank you for your music. I felt deeply moved and healed by it.” Heather Swan – Author of “Where Honeybees Thrive”

~Inspiration to Attend~

There are several reasons why a world wide Conference to learn from the bees was even on my radar. First, while actively searching out all possible resources for Bee Bold Mendocino, I came across several people who inspired my direction towards natural beekeeping and stewardship of the bees. The first was Michael Thiele with Apis Arborea. It was through his guidance and deep understanding of the bee that I found how to walk my path with the bees. His kindness and generosity of spirit immediately offered me a way into this world. It is through Michael’s biodynamic and bee centric approach that I was able to really embrace the stewardship of my hives, and truly understand the importance of this work as an active participant to help our pollinators and bees in this critical time.

Michael Thiele ~ Apis Arbere

The Second most influential resource to inspire my trip to the conference was Jacqueline Freeman’s book – “The Song of Increase”. This book opened my mind, heart and eyes to another way of communicating and being with the bees that has been invaluable. The way she was able to incorporate the voice of the bees themselves, gave this book a very unique and sincere quality that I have yet to find in any other resource. Her gentle spirit and dedication to the deep wisdom of the bee has been life changing. I am truly grateful for this work and the author:) If you have not yet read this book, I highly recommend it!

Jacqueline Freeman

Here is one more resource that came from my search on the internet. It is a self produce documentary from Japan called Message from Bees. I have found it to contain much more in depth information on the results and effects of pesticides, especially Neonics on the bees and the food we eat. Well worth a look. It was produced in 2012, I believe they had a

Message from Bees

~ Honey Hive Poetry ~

My breath is shallow, cuts my body into the middle
Casting off as a lonely island this heart, walls, fortress

Find the link
find the connection
The source treasure only hidden by blinds of own self making
Source it child
breath it girl
Dream it
Woman share it
Beautiful one
Do what must be done
Do what must be done
Untangle and
Begin again
It is Spring!

Lavender Grace 2018

~Audio Poem~

There have been so many amazing connections this past year. I will continue to share the wisdom and inspiration with you as is comes.

Thank you for your support and interest in the Honey Hive,

Much love to you and your family,

Lavender Grace

Keep the Hive Alive ~ Part I

I return to the beautiful coast of Mendocino with so much gratitude and respect for the community that was created at the First Learning From the Bees Conference in the Netherlands.  We were immersed in a global hive with the intent of really looking to see what is happening to our planet through the eyes of the bees.  From scientists to shaman, from teachers to herbalists, artists to weavers, and yes musicians:)

Here you will find the beginning of what was gathered. Enjoy the first course, there is more to come…..

The big take away from all of it for me was:

“The bees will be fine without us, we will not be fine without them”

We must meditate more, we must pray more!

Part II will include: The Art Exhibit,  Some of the Parallel Sessions and Closing Ceremony ~ coming soon…..


Making of Magic

The accelerator is on!
This spilling over of mystic thought, connection and magic funnels through me, distills and concentrates into goodness.
The kind that permeates and sustains.
The type that goes deep to the root so high winds may blow, but nothing is blown down, blown over, blown up,  Rooted!
It is like this today.
Here I share………………

Go Fund Me!

Please Click here Gofundme  to support my offerings to the first Learning from the Bees conference in the Netherlands. So important to participate in this global apian (bee) consciousness.  There are 5 days left and we still have $1,745 to go!  Please consider supporting even if your pocket is empty, please send me your encouragement. Your words will fill my heart! We are all in this together and we need any support available, prayers, songs, good food!:) I will return with stories, with knowledge and I really look forward to sharing with you.

This is a sample video with an elemental chant. This is an offering as part of the Learning From the Bees Conference and will be part of the closing ceremony in the Netherlands.
I have also just received the list of International artists who are participating in the art exhibit at the conference. I have been asked to document this and will share this with you all when I have finished.:)

2. Amazing Community of Musicians and Dancers – This is an inspiration from Middle Eastern Music and Dance Camp, Mendocino CA USA . Especially from the words of Omar Faruk Tekbilek. It was his words that likened camp to an off shoot of ancient Alexandria. How all cultures would come together and meet to share and exchange and return home all the richer for it. Thank you all (more than I can count) for your beautiful offerings of amazing music, song, dance and friendship. I am ever so grateful for our time together.🙏♥️🙏

3. I will be offering Intuitive Drum Song on Thursday August 23rd.  Come  soak it up.  Let your internal static go and join in the goodness of community frequency, rhythms and connection.


I love you!
Lavender Grace Cinnamon * Sacred Art ~ Sacred Bees

Honey Hive Ensemble to Offer Sacred Music for the Bees at HarmonyUs

The Honey Hive Ensemble is offering Sacred Music for the Bees at HarmonyUs Festival in Caspar Tomorrow at 2pm!

This Mendocino folk ensemble is here to create sonic prayers for health.

Honey Hive Ensemble live at World Bee Day

The vocally driven and percussive music  is enhanced by frequencies of Tibetan Singing Bowls, Didgeridoo and Frame Drum to create original sacred music and shared indigenous earth songs.

The Honey Hive Ensemble offers a unique presentation with wisdom about our relationship with bees, as it has been, passed down from our ancient world, to the present. They offer a link to understand, and learn from these amazing Bee-ings who are Vital to our Existence. Through this sonic realignment they endeavor to bring to light the importance of how, we as humans affect all life on earth.

Harmony Us is a Festival of Conscious Harmony, featuring musical guest Trevor Green, MC Sherry Glaser, Opening ceremony at 2 led by Spirit House, ALL DAY music and workshops exploring mind, spirit, and body, included with admission.
Honey Hive Ensemble, Mama Grow’s Funk, Lauren Brown, Tribal Baroque, Danny Barca, and the HarmonyUs Band, will join the outside stage.
Yoga and sound immersion, reiki, and sound healing in the somatic zone, and Conscious speakers, Sid Garza-Hillman, Ron Nadeau, Toni Bernbaum, Sherry Glaser, Michael Lott, and Peter Wells and more…
Unique vendors from all over California, Healer’s Market, unique vendors, tasty vegan food and an awesomely fun kid zone with bounce houses, face painting, hula hoops and more.
(Interested in vending?
✨A benefit for the Caspar Community Center a non profit 501(c)3


Inside the Hive is This Sunday!

Support is Pouring In! The Mendocino coast community is coming together to celebrate World Bee Day this Sunday May 20th!

The Honey Hive of Mendocino is presenting the first International Bee Day in Mendocino through Music, Dance and Crafts.  Our amazing community is showing their wonderful  support.


We are extremely grateful to  Bee Bold Mendocino  for taking us under their wing as an affiliate.   This means all donations made to the Honey Hive Mendocino is under the 501c3 Non Profit status of the amazing  Noyo Food Forest.

Event Contributions:

All artists participating with “Inside the Hive” are donating their talents and time to make this happen for a free family community event.


Belly Dancing from Trillium Tribe

Sound and Tapestries from Steve Crowningshield

Children’s Crafts from Sal Herrick & Sue Magoo

Poems and Dance from Oasis

Circle Dance from Devora Rossman

Sacred Sound offerings from The Honey Hive Ensemble including new members; Sue Magoo and Paloma Carmon

Generous Raffle Donations from:

The community has been generous, come try your luck in the RAFFLE…..

Dew Drop Wellness

Session with – Gift of Healing Massage and Bioset

Sacred Sound Healing Session with  – Nadabrahma

Thanksgiving Coffee

Earrings from Gallery Mendocino

Gift Certificate to Frankies Pizza

Gift Certificate to Piaci Pub and Pizzaria

Gift from Interiors

Massage from Christine Berchen

Gift Certificate to Corners of the Mouth

Gift Certificate to Good Life Cafe

2 Family Day Passes to CV Starr Aquatic Center

Nature Adventure with Sue Magoo

Bee Beads from Rubayat

Gift Certificate from Dirt Cheap


Gallery Books

Sponsorship from:

Jade Golden

Sheryl Kuhns

Thank you all for your kindness!

Thank you bees for all your generosity!

p.s. Even if you can not make the event, please send your gratitude to the bees on Sunday.  The whole world will be in this together. I can assure you the bees will appreciate it:)




Facebook Event

Support World Bee Day with “Inside the Hive”

This year the bees are on a global stage like no time before, with 2 major upcoming events and we are celebrating, come join us!

1. World Bee Day !

In November of 2017, the UN declared – May 20th, 2018 as the first world bee day. We will honor this momentous occasion with a celebration at the Community Center in Mendocino called “Inside the Hive”. It will be a Free Family event to explore our relationship with bees and our ecology, full of music, dance, crafts and raffle. Sunday – May 20th ~ 1pm-3pm ~ Donations – Learn more 

2. The 1st International “Learning from the Bees Conference ~ August 31st-September 2nd, 2018 in the Netherlands.

This event ‘Learning from the Bees’ will be the first of its kind – bringing together natural beekeepers, scientists, nature conservationists, artists and bee-lovers from all over the world. More

The purpose of this post is to ask for your support through raffle prizes or donation for our “Inside the Hive” event. All funds will go to attend the “Learning from the Bees Conference” mentioned above.

While we attend this conference, we can enter the world stage, the global conversation and represent our community as the forward thinkers we are, who know the stakes are high, and the time to act is now, here in Mendocino.

The conference will bring the best cutting edge knowledge, and global awareness to the disappearance of bees and what this means to our world, and ultimately to our home in Mendocino County.

We will be documenting this event, to gather the knowledge and bring it home to produce a platform for Natural Bee keeping in our county.

We will continue to do community outreach, and teach our children how to be stewards of this land.  We will bring back the global understanding of our place in ecology, and the way we affect this environment around us, and how the pollinators are intrinsically linked to our survival.

If you are moved to act at this crucial time, please contact me.

Sincerely, Lavender Grace Cinnamon and the Honey Hive of Mendocino

~707-357-1419 ~

About: Lavender’s interest in bees began when developing the local chapter of Bee Bold Mendocino with the Friends of the Earth’s National Bee Bold campaign. During this time she initiated the City of Fort Bragg in becoming the First Bee City USA in California. She has been a steward of bees for the past 3 years, and has fallen in love with bees and their people.

“Go and tell it to the bees is a tradition from times when people knew that the honeybee is a highly evolved being that embodies qualities of wisdom and love that most of us humans cannot ever hope to emulate.” ApisSophia – Natural Bee Keeping Trust

The Honey Hive Ensemble of Mendocino will debut tomorrow at noon for Earthday!


Come celebrate, bring your intention, bring your joy, bring your yourself just as you are, lets get down to it!

We will be opening the day with prayer songs for the bees and our planet,

We will begin music at 12pm so if you want the full experience, don’t bee late! (All you Mendonisians 🙂 You don’t want to miss it, do you?

Looking forward to seeing you,


Info: 12th Annual Earth Day Festival
Saturday, April 21st, 12-5PM

FREE family event supports the Farm-to-School and Youth Intern Programs at The Learning Garden – with live entertainment and music, super fun educational kids activities, informational workshops, Spring plant sale, culinary love from local chefs and our garden!

Location: 300-A Dana St, Fort Bragg, CA 95437 (behind Fort Bragg High School)



Red Thread Gathering

I have just returned from an amazing gathering full of inspiration, heart and deep soul!

This is for all of you who brought your drum into being!

Ask breathe in… ask listen… list in
Coil weave, over under through, over under through
To reach the drop down, the sync up, the link up, contact – connect – received!
Contact – connect – received
Through miracles of wonder
Through pretty in all color
Through words infused, anointed, blessed
In belonging fearlessly to the self, received by yourself, received – contact! Charged
Amp up – drop-down
Get up get down, get up get down
Lone wolves receive the moon call
The Raven wing black to white, the fire dance to ocean song, the portal, the bloom
The peace of Gaia’s spiral womb
Alchemical love witnessed, circle defined
Sway, sway, sway
Arms raised, embrace we are held
Your piece spun, wove and linked to my piece
circle upon circle – prayer wings – directions four
Get up get down – to the center, to the sky – to the ancient mothers song
the portal is now open
Dance in!

Lavender Grace Cinnamon
Honey Hive of Mendocino


Special blessings to Shiloh Sophia McCloud and Mary McCrystal for creating such an amazing weekend of Red Thread Gathering!